So last week was consumed with JD's surgery and prom. JD only made it to three hours of school this week. Friday he started feeling a lot better in the evening. He even felt good enough to watch the new Disney Channel Movie, Lemonade Mouth with Addie.
Yes, Addie, I do have other children besides JD. Some say that JD is my favorite, you know who you are. But JD is just the most time consuming. Addie, some say, gets lost in the shuffle of our life. She is just practically perfect so no one ever hears about Addie's antics, because she doesn't have antics. Addie does have AH HA moments. You know what an AH HA moment is, when an experience, thought, or conversation all of a sudden makes sense and you want to say out loud, "AH HA I get it now!"
I'll explain. On Monday Addie comes to dinner completely distraught. She is overwhelmed because she is behind in reading. I ask how far and she says 300 pages. When she says this I am immediately not amused. When you are behind 50- 100 pages it could be excusable. She was really busy with other classes. She forgot one day. She had a hard time finding a good book to read. But when you are behind 300 pages not many excuses will fly. At least not with me and Addie knows it.
I give her a lecture on the spot. I tell her I don't care if she doesn't like to read it is an assignment and she has to get to it. I tell her a book to read. JD explains simple division, if she would have been reading 10 pages a night it wouldn't be so bad. Now she has to read 75 pages a night for 4 nights.
Addie doesn't handle correction well, not because she is trying to be defiant. She rarely gets corrected so when she does it breaks her heart a little. I try to be nice, but I had to be firm to make sure she understood why she was in this mess.
The week goes on. Addie reads every spare moment and Thursday night she finishes a book report.
While JD, Addie, and I are watching Lemonade Mouth, LaWrell comes in and asks if she got her report turned in. Addie says, "Yes and I got 15 extra credit points for my book report." I asked why, Mrs. Olsen rarely gives extra credit. Addie explains that on Monday she went into English and written on the board was 300 pages, report due on Friday. She didn't see the part that said it was for the 8th Grade.
Addie says, "I really didn't need to do it Mom so she gave me extra credit because I got it done so early."
Her 300 pages and report probably isn't due for another 3 weeks.
JD is laughing shaking his head and asking how she got so confused.
AH HA - Addie, "Oh, next time I need to make sure it is my assignment especially when she never has mentioned it or talked about it in class."
JD, "Really Addie"
I am speechless.
Addie loves Lemonade Mouth and watches it again with Brigham on Saturday while JD gets ready for prom.